Some hours ago I bought a package of blackberries in the store. It's great. I think I will live of "plain" organic yoghurt with blackberries and banana for the rest of the week. Most of my trips to the store lately have been past midnight.
My downstairs neighbor says that Viridiana and I are a weird bunch. When did going to the store at 1.30 or doing garending in our pots late at night get weird? tsk tsk. More on the gardening story later.
The past week seemed to flow by without even noticing I was there. CitySearch launched v4 of the site; it's really cool. will get new servers soon, yay. New hardware, new OS, new connectivity. The old connectivity is great too, but I will have better access to the new. The new hardware, when it all comes in, will allow us to host some of the perl mongers infrastructure and make it easier to implement a bunch of the goodies we have planned. (Like threading for More on that later too.
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