yay, it was my birthday today! I am now a quarter of a century old. I had an awesome weekend. It was Christoper's birthday Thursday, so Kevin, Chris, Zobeida (his wife), Viridiana and I went to dinner at Girasole. We go there way too little; the food was great and the price very reasonable. Afterwards we went to hang out at Chris & Zee's place (where Kevin also lives). Lots of fun except that we didn't finish our Monopoly game until 6 in the morning, yikes! Who would have thought ...
Sunday I got woken up a few times between 7 when I went to sleep and 11 when I had to go up, so we could picnic and play volleyball at Zuma Beach. Lots and lots of fun too. Nary and Yiuwing as well as Robert Spier came along to eat and play. Viridiana and I have pretty much just been hanging out not doing much since we got home... Sssssllleeeepppyy... Too little sleep, lots of sun and playing. :-D We used her camera and I forgot to copy the pictures over, so no illustration for this entry.