August 9, 2002 Archives

Dick Hardt has resigned as ActiveState's CEO. Jim speculates that it was the VC's kicking him out to grow faster. Hmn. They used to be closer to ~100 people actually, but cut down late last year. It could be bad news (evil vc's trying to get a short term profit) or it could be good (getting a CEO who doesn't scream at people).

(via trained monkey)

update: Dick Hardt comments on slashdot: " Thought I would post to clarify why I stepped aside. ActiveState is doing very well right now and we are about to grow out our management team and capitalize on our new product line PerlMx, [...]. I have never run a large management team and in discussions with my board, we decided ActiveState was more likely to be successful having me be part of the management team rather than leading it, [...]

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