August 18, 2002 Archives

I'm behind on at least two movies I've seen since the last movie update and I haven't written about a billion things I wanted to write about the last week. But, I can't contain myself about this.

I've never digged Dave Winer; but now I understand even less why people bother to read what he writes. I don't know him personally (he could very well be a great guy in person), but since he seems to define himself rather strongly as a Weblog Guy, I guess it's not all that unfair to judge him on what he writes.

Via Doc Searls I saw Mr. Winer trying to Dismiss the work of Lawrence Lessig. Winer talks blah blah blah about Lessig asking people "what have we done about it!" and then writing that Lessig hasn't done anything (but that Winer himself has?!). Yes, you read that right. No, the context was not writing software and selling some of it, giving other things away.

The context was fighting the entertainment industrys control of our culture, the endless scope of copyright law, the DMCA and educating people about such issue...

Well Mr. Winer; if you gave your navel less attention maybe you would have noticed that Lessig has done lots of cool things.

Oh, and while I'm at it: If Lessig have had recent health problems, he would probably not get an empty get well board at a big conference for developers. (Okay, that was low, and to be fair it did get some names on it later :-) ). Read Doc Searls comments on who does what.

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