About three months ago "Wp-email Services Bundoora" took $4 from one of my credit cards. I didn't remember what that could have been, googled it and didn't find anything so off to be disputed it went. I got my $4 back, but of course I should have put it on the weblog here so others in the same situation can find out about it. Or maybe someone can comment and tell me who they are? I'd have to have disputed a transaction I actually made.
Bundoora is an Australian name. Been in Australia lately?
"Wp-email services" sounds like an Internet cafe or something.
I don't know if it helps, but 'bundoora' is a suburb/area of Melbourne Australia.
If you can get a phone number or street address I can check it for you.
More than likely it was a mistake
Yeah, I found out about it being an Australian name, but couldn't figure out anything more specific than that.
I asked the bank if they could find more information on it than the name and they said no, my only option was to dispute it ...
- ask
FastMail.FM uses this service for their paid email accounts. They offer free email accounts as well. I highly recommend their service!
Yup, that's who it is -- I used them too recently, and got the same result -- they're good guys.
hi even i got charged on my credit card .. the transaction says wp email service for $19.95 and i have been charged three times like this.. just dont know what is this....