I'm in Santa Clara for the MySQL conference. The hotel is approximately in the middle of nowhere. Vani was supposed to be here too, but we're not quite ready to board the crazy new dog yet. (Must post pictures soon).
There are at least 4 apple stores within 15 miles, but they are all ~$25-30 cab fare away. I forgot to bring an Airport Express, but I don't miss it that much.
I got here yesterday after all the sessions and went to my room to catch up on some work and decide if I should pass out or if it was too early for that.
Before I managed to pass out Tim called so I ventured downstairs for a beer. (Tim says google is his website, so there it is).
Jim Winstead posted the sessions he plan to attend. I'm not that organized yet.
It's strange with such a focused conference. Relatively to OSCON or even ApacheCon there's a lot of overlap. With the topics I know well I can appreciate the difference between the sessions as they are in the program, but after a quick glance it's not really clear which of the talks on MySQL Cluster I should see (this one I think...)
Anyway, off to find the speaker registration and get my oversize name tag.
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