We are now accepting applications for the exciting position of volunteer list-owner / mailing list support at perl.org. Your job will be to patiently help users unsubscribe, ensure them they won't be unsubscribed when ezmlm tells them their mail host bounced the list mails, direct them to the right posting address when they erroneously email dbi-users-owner instead of dbi-users and other such tasks.
I've done it (or not done it as it has been the last year, see the graph of open and new tickets) since '99 and I promise you it's fun work!

Okay, maybe it's not so fun - but we really need your help. Vani has helped occasionally, but we haven't kept up the last year very well.
I built a new little spiffy HTTP tool (fancy JSON and AJAX stuff) to interface the subscriber lists (and do manual unsubscribes) so we can now have people help without needing more logins on the list server.
If we get a couple of volunteers then it'll only take a little bit of time every day or two - at least after the backlog has been cleared.
Please help! Email ask@perl.org. A patient nature, a commitment to stick with it for at least 5-6 months, reasonable written English skills and an honest reputation when we search the web, our list archives and usenet for your name and email address is needed. Volunteers from all timezones are encouraged.
update I got as many people offering to help as we can use for now; thank you thank you! Keep an eye on the Perl NOC Log for more things we need help with in the not too far future!