Woo, that was fun! I just finished my talk half an hour ago. (update: I've updated the slides to be a page per, uh, page rather than a page per "build")
I got a couple of "that was the {best,most useful} talk at the conference so far!" comments, so that alone made it worth getting up at 5.45am to fly up here!
The slides from the talk are now on the talks page of my new shiny website that Vani put together for me.
I had about 70 slides for 45 minutes (made it in 47!) so it went pretty fast, but I really think that's a lot more fun. I am sitting in the InnoDB: Designing and Configuring for Best Performance talk now and the pace is a bit too glacial for being in the last slot of the day, at least for me on too little sleep...
I'm increasingly convinced that "more content faster" is better for conference sessions.
Earlier I saw the My Second Life Runs on MySQL: War Stories from the Metaverse talk. Woah! Was there some cool stuff there or what!
The MySQL things were good (and mirroring some of my talk - a bit of confirmation is always nice), but the things about what the Second Life world can do and what people have created there were jaw-droppingly awesome. Ian, if you read this: Thank you, that was fun! :-)
Heading out for a quick dinner in a few moments and then to the airport to go back home.
Next year I'll have to make time free to come for the whole conference. Being used to OSCON it's a bit strange how everything is focused around just MySQL. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I like it this way.