It's a girl!




Aw, congratulations! Ours (Penelope) is almost 11 months now. She's pretty fantastic. :)

Ask and Vani congratulations!!! I did not even know you were preggers and today I stumbled on the pics. Very very happy for you. She is adorable, so alive. Can't wait to see her. Congrats! So cool!

- nick (in SB)


That's awesome! Congrats! She's so beautiful. I can't imagine how crazy life is for you two right now. Enjoy it. :)

yay! congrats! Having just had our first, Bea, just over a year ago, I can tell you from my experience, it'll all be great fun. ;)

Congratulations! Or Mazal Tov as we say in Hebrew ;)

I hope everyone is healthy and feeling well, and may you have many more bundles of joy ;)

Congrats! She is beautiful, and I *know* how crazy your life is now, since my own daughter (first one) is 5 weeks old. Enjoy!

Congratulations! I'm expecting a girl myself, and I sure believe you're overjoyed and living a crazy yet wonderful life. Three more months and I'll join the party: any advice welcome!

Congratulations, Ask!

Congrats Ask! She really looks adorable!

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This page contains a single entry by Ask Bjørn Hansen published on September 5, 2008 9:09 PM.

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