A few days ago I talked about Apache Security. An exploit for FreeBSD was widely released today. Right now it's hard for me to care at all though.
An hour ago I was on my way to go to sleep when I hear something that sounds like an argument half a block down back in the alley (or down where there's a blind street ending). Sure this is Los Angeles, but my neighborhood is really nice and quiet.
But here I am with a bunch of loud talking and then honking. There's a female voice and at least one other person; it was hard to hear. I can't figure out if it's bad or not; it's a bit too far away to really decipher. Suck. Should I call 911?
Maybe a minute or two goes by and the "noise pattern" changes a bit; the most important part is that the woman is now yelling something along the lines of "don't fucking hit me; {various non human sounds} arrrgg. You hit me, you hit me, don't hit me, {crying}". Or something like that. Main thing was that I had no doubts that it was no longer just loud talking.
So, obviously that's really uncool. Finally I pick up my phone and dial 911. After about a billion rings (time is moving really slowly by now) they pick up.