File a bug report


Vani and I both started using Life Balance for our todo lists in the last week or two. It's great so far.

One of the items I added was a occasionally recurring "File a bug report" task.

Writing a good bug report is a relatively quick and easy way to help the authors and maintainers of the software you use make it better.

I was working a bit with Xen on Fedora Core 5 some days ago and found out that the default scripts don't deal nicely with anything but the most basic net configuration. Hello bugzilla.

MySQL is one of the nicest projects to file bug reports for, because they are very nice about following up and actually fixing things (even if sometimes the fix is just to change the documentation to say that doesn't work ;-) )


Life Balance works well for me. (When I use it - I've lapsed recently but am getting back to it now.)

Life Balance is wonderful. I only heard about it because I know one of the developers, and it really has helped! I can't wait for them to finish their pocket PC verson so I can really use it as much as I'd like.

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This page contains a single entry by Ask Bjørn Hansen published on May 30, 2006 9:23 AM.

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